74 Articles
VIDEO: Kia Forte eats a Bentley, yum!

Kia's hungry for your business, which explains the pending arrival of the Forte. The Spectra is a good car, but blends in far more than the attractively turned out Forte. It seems the Forte also has an appetite, and it's for the good stuff. Kia wants to bolster its image, so what better way than a clever commercial that infers that inside the Kia is all the goodness of a partially digested Bentley? Of course it's hyperbole, that's why it's so cool! Video embedded after the jump. Dan Roth

Kia Forte details hit the web - bigger, more frugal

We've seen the spiffy metal wrapper of Kia's new Forte, the Spectra's successor, now come details about what's underneath. The Forte is larger than the outgoing Spectra, but it also achieves better economy with a given amount of liquid hydrocarbon. South Korean buyers will have the choice between a gasoline or a diesel powertrain. Regardless of fuel, both engines displace 1.6 liters and deliver nearly the same horsepower - 124 hp for gasoline, 128 hp for diesel. The gas engine consumes 7.1 liter

Spy Shots: 2010 Kia Forte sedan on the road in MI

Autoblog writer and videographer extraordinaire, the ShunkMaster, is currently en-route to Pennsylvania with his wife and kids for the long holiday weekend, but that doesn't mean he's turned off his obsession for all things automotive. As he passed through the outskirts of Motown, the not uncommon sight of a camo-covered car appeared on the horizon. Chris's iPhone-wielding wife, Sara, snapped off a few pics of the cloaked mule, and being in the Dearborn area, the first obvious thought was a prot

Kia releases second teaser of next-gen Spectra

First there was the sketch showing Kia's Spectra replacement, the Forte, looking tantalizingly great. Now comes what appears to be a photograph of the actual car to further whet our appetites. While we know the Forte is going to crib lines from the great looking Koup concept that we saw in New York, we can't help but be remin

Kia releases sketch of next-gen Spectra

Although we couldn't find news of this on either Kia's US or UK media sites, we wanted all of you to see it for yourselves. The Car Blogger is sourcing Kia for the sketch you see above, allegedly showing the company's Spectra replacement, rumored to be called the Forte when it's unveiled in August. Showing off what's rumored to be "Kia's new family look," it apes the styling cues shown on some of Kia's recent concepts, including the Koup

Winding Road sees the (possible) future of Pentastar products

Over the past decade, Chrysler has hosted a number of college students interested in pursing a career in car design through its internship program. And while few among us haven't sketched our dream machine in the margins of our notebooks during our formative years, these students take it two steps beyond the next level. Not only do they get to intern on the project throughout the summer, they get to present their concepts to Chrysler's design team and executives at the end.

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